Terms of use
The company`s primary concern is to cite the terms and conditions that govern the rights and obligations of toanogi.gr towards all of you visiting this website. Its aim is also to inform you of your rights and obligations in order to serve you in the best possible way in searching and finding the products you wish to buy from our e-shop.


In order for any transaction to take place between us, the disclosure of certain personal information on your part is a necessary precondition. Upon ordering a product, you will be asked to provide your full name, shipping address, home telephone number (or any other for your convenience), e-mail address etc

toanogi.gr, strictly following the principles for the protection of personal information governed by the relevant laws and international agreements, will not make use of that information in any unlawful way or without prior approval from you.

toanogi.gr.gr does not, in any way, disclose, publicize, sell or exchange your personal information entrusted to us. In special cases, you personal information may be publicized by the company, always following legal procedures when forced by Public Authorities, Court etc.


All items in our website include 13% Tax. toanogi.gr reserves the right to readjust the prices.


There are clear indications concerning availability for all the products in our e-shop.



toanogi.gr provides users with information on new products, special offers that might exist, payment settlements etc, by sending advertising – information messages to your e-mail. toanogi.gr shall not overuse the above service. All users have the option to stop receiving these information messages.

Amendment of terms

toanogi.gr reserves the right to amend or renew the terms and conditions of transactions.

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